How Does Peer Pressure Influence Your Teen's Purchasing Choices?

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Lori Baker

Peer pressure affects even well-adjusted teens by influencing their buying choices. They might feel compelled to buy the latest electronic gadgets, shoes, clothing, cosmetics and hair products because friends they hang out with or admire are buying those items. Helping your teens think for themselves in making wise financial choices influences their ability to make sound financial decisions later in their lives.

Most Influential Pressure

Negative peer pressure affects adolescents daily. According to the 4 Therapy website, the most difficult people to say "no" to are close friends, the popular clique, older teens -- including brothers and sisters -- and people they are dating. Praise your teens often when you see them restrain from buying unnecessary fad items and wasting their money. Explain that the ability to do this is a sign of maturity and a big step in becoming a responsible adult.

Modeling Wise Financial Choices

Allow your teen to see you making smart choices, as suggested by For instance, if her friend's parents buy the latest SUV, say to her, "Those are gorgeous automobiles and it would be nice to have one, but our van is in excellent condition and should last for many more years." Tell her there are other things that you need more and that keeping up with the latest trend is not a priority. Explain that she will deal with peer pressure all her life, but it is particularly intense during the teen years.

How to Say No

Teenagers must learn to reverse the effects of peer pressure. This makes it easier for them to reject unnecessary purchases, and also allows them to refuse other detrimental behaviors. Advise them to think independently by having them assess the circumstances, come to a sound decision and then leave the temptation, according to For instance, if all the girls are wearing expensive pairs of lime green tennis shoes, she should think about whether they are really something she wants or whether she desires them because others are wearing them. Instruct her to count the cost. She can do this by asking herself if they will match more than one or two pieces in her wardrobe, thus making the cost of the item not worth the price. Tell her she can avoid temptation by leaving the store quickly before she starts doubting her decision.


Role-playing with your teen is another effective way for her to learn to make wise purchasing choices. Play the role of a friend who often tries to cajole her into making a purchase simply to fit in with the crowd. She can say something along the lines of, "No way, I am saving for a car and that is more important than these shoes to me." Another way for her to point out the wisdom of not buying the shoes is to say, "I spent a lot of money on one of those popular hats last summer and I only wore it once; I sure wish I had that money back now." Teaching your teens to withstand peer pressure in purchasing choices helps them have more confidence down the road when they are tempted to go along with the crowd. This boost in self-esteem may prevent them from doing drugs, drinking alcohol, or engaging in other detrimental behaviors.

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Lori Baker
Hire Lori B
Lori was born in Tennessee and has lived in Memphis since 1982. She cherishes the variety of places available to explore in her home state from the musical influences of Elvis Presley’s hometown and Beale Street to the wonders of the Smoky Mountains. Lori enjoys writing about health, travel, green living, personal finance, business management, decorating, family issues and much more. She has worked in the medical field for 25 years, and supplements her income doing what she loves best—writing. Her favorite pastimes are spending time with her loved ones, reading and traveling. Lori attende...
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