Case Study


LandAirSea is a fully global, vehicle GPS tracking company who as provided proprietary GPS hardware and software for the last 25 years. Before partnering with Scripted in August 2021 they had only minimally invested in content marketing through sporadic blog posts and social media posts.

LAS has been a trusted brand in the GPS and tracking industry for a long time, but they came to Scripted to expand their presence beyond industry insiders. They hoped creating strategic and informative content would help them reach that goal.

We knew content marketing was an untapped opportunity for us but we didn't know how to get from point A to point B. We came to Scripted in need of a full content strategy and their team collaborated with us from day one.
Jared Zientz
LAS Director of Analytics

The Challenge

After sitting down with the LAS team we learned their goals and KPIs:

  • Increase website traffic
  • Lead generation
  • Global brand recognition
  • Improve Amazon-based sales
  • Increase social media presence

No easy task, but with our team of researchers, strategists, and subject matter expert writers, we knew we could help LAS build toward and eventually exceed their goals.

The Strategy

GPS products are at the forefront of technology, so naturally there are a lot of questions from consumers on how they work, what they're capable of, and what to look for in a quality product. We leaned into these curiosities when creating the content strategy for LAS. People have questions, let's give them the best possible answers to those questions.

During our initial research we found:

  • The top searched for GPS-based devices and related queries
  • The top keywords for LAS competitors
  • Long-tail keywords that would make sense for LAS to target

After that initial research we knew product comparisons were a big part of what LAS's customers wanted to know. They wanted to know the pros and cons of different equipment and they wanted an authoritative resource to trust. We knew LAS could be that resource so that's where we began.

Our audience varies between technologically savvy insiders to customers who are relatively new to GPS tracking. We know we can answer important questions for anyone on the spectrum and provide the best quality products for their needs. The Scripted team helped us get that content on our site and put it in front of our potential customers.
Jared Zientz
LAS Director of Analytics

We put together a comprehensive content plan to target high-volume, bottom-of-the-funnel search terms important to the consumer and to LAS while also raising brand-awareness. For the sake of brevity, we'll focus on one example from that strategy that encapsulates our approach.

We found that Apple Airtags were the industry-leading and most searched for product in tracking devices.

"GPS unit vs. Apple Airtag" was among the the most searched for queries related to Apple Airtags. This product comparison query was a bottom-of-the-funnel search term for LAS. If a person is comparing these two products it means they are ready to buy. These are bottom of funnel (BoFu), high-value prospects for LAS. We knew ranking for this query would be of high value to LAS so we created a blog post that would best answer all the questions the user would have around the query.

The Results

Ranked #1 for "GPS Unit vs. Airtag"

We were able to rank #1 for the "GPS Unit vs. Airtag" search term within 2 months of publishing this article.

Improved Organic Search Rankings

Due to our article answering the most common questions around this query, we were able to rank for similar searches and bring in target traffic to the LAS website.

More Conversions Sitewide

This one blog post continues to grow in popularity and routinely drives qualified leads to either make a call or email LAS for more information.

The organic traffic and website visibility has grown exponentially and because the content we created started with a strategy focused on LAS's business goals, this growth has led to more conversions sitewide.

The GPS Units vs. Apple Airtags blog post continues to drive traffic to our site, but even more it has led directly to calls from customers wanting to know more about our products. There is a direct correlation to the popularity of this article and an increase in sales of our GPS units.
Jared Zientz
LAS Director of Analytics

The Takeaway

The key to our content strategy was to create content that first considered the business goals of LAS then delivering the best possible answer for queries important to their target audience. We understand that this may seem like an obvious or simple approach to content marketing, but that doesn't make it less difficult.

Having a brand that a consumer trusts like LandAirSea is essential to building content people and search engines trust. Add data-driven content strategy, some talented strategists, and subject matter expert writers, and you have a formula for success.

Ready to Win with Content Marketing?

We've had tremendous success working with the Scripted team. In our minds we've only begun to reap the benefits of what we can do with content marketing. The sky's the limit.
Jared Zientz
LAS Director of Analytics