Is Your Content High or Low Quality?

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Hannah Whiteoak

Content quality should be a top priority when it comes to content creation. Learn about characteristics of high and low quality and how each will affect your content marketing success. The quality of your content makes the difference between your site appearing high on the first page of search results or languishing on page 5, where few will see it. This guide will teach you how to produce better content and stay ahead of the game in the ever-changing world of search engine optimization.

What is Low Quality Content?

Duplicate content can hurt your Google rankings, so the first thing to do is to ensure that you create original content rather than copying or rewriting content from other sites. You also need to reduce redundant content on your own site. If all your articles are heavily focused around a small number of keywords Google may see your site as trying to manipulate its search algorithm and penalize you with a lower ranking.Keyword stuffing can seriously hurt your rankings as well, so it's best to use search terms in moderation. Similarly, poorly written content is bad news for SEO. If your content is filled with spelling, grammar or factual errors, visitors will quickly hit the back button. This teaches Google that searchers do not find your site to be a useful resource.

What is High Quality Content?

High quality content is unique. The author needs to draw together accurate information from a variety of sources and express it in his or her own words. When reviewing content before publishing it online, ask yourself whether the piece is likely to teach readers anything they didn't already know. High quality content is easy to read and keeps readers engaged all the way to the end. Keywords are used naturally throughout the piece, appearing both in the body of the text and in subheadings, without being stuffed into every sentence. As Google's search algorithm becomes more sophisticated, it is getting better and better at seeking out content that is appealing to human readers. The best way to tell whether you have great content is to ask yourself this question: Would you share it with your social networks? Content that is shared over and over on social media has a strong chance of getting good Google rankings. You can increase the likelihood of your content being shared by not only producing unique, interesting text, but also adding images, videos and other multimedia content.

Where Can I Learn More About Quality Content?

Written by:

Hannah Whiteoak
Hire Hannah W

Hannah is a professional content writer from the United Kingdom. Since 2011, she has been helping businesses market themselves online by producing high-quality, engaging, and informative content. With a Bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences and a Master's in Physics, Hannah specializes in writing about health, science and technology topics. Contact her for high quality content.

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