4 Tips for Finding the Best Housing Post-COVID-19

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Megan Cornish

You've had a year unlike any other. You're sick of masks, social distancing, and online classes. It certainly wasn't the college experience you had in mind! So now, you're ready to forget about it all and get back to business as usual. First up? Figuring out housing.

Unfortunately, it's not as easy as just googling "Ohio University apartments," although that's a good place to start. The pandemic has slowed, but it's not gone. And the housing market has changed in more lasting ways in the past year. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you plan your comeback.

Apply for Rentals Early

This year, everyone is even more eager than usual to get out of mom and dad's house. Some schools have invited students to move back on campus, only to send them home again. Students who can't depend on stability in the dorm rooms will turn to off-campus housing instead.

As a result, there will be some stiff competition for rentals. Make sure you make your plans early. Figure out what kind of housing will work best for you. Get your application in as soon as possible. And don't get your hopes set on one apartment—you may need to send in multiple applications before you're accepted to move in.

Include Your Friends

Everyone is feeling isolated after spending so much time socially distanced. Campuses are slowly opening up, but there's no guarantee fresh outbreaks won't cause further shutdowns. Consider moving in with friends when you make your housing plans for the next year. Getting an off-campus apartment with your buddies is a great way to ensure the pandemic doesn't put a further dent in your social life.

Keep in mind that in a pandemic, your roommates can become your only social outlet. Make sure you choose friends you enjoy spending time with. No one wants to get stuck at home with people who drive them crazy.

Location, Location, Location

Speaking of shutdowns: you might attend classes or work from your laptop in the upcoming year. If that's the case, proximity to campus won't be as important. Instead, look for Ohio University apartments that are close to a variety of possible working locations. Coffee shops and restaurants make a great change of study scenery, while parks and libraries are free to work in.

Consider living near other off-campus friends. Living near one another can help you stay connected no matter what is happening with the rest of the world.

Consider Your Needs for Online Classes

If the administration sends on-campus students back home, you don't have to worry—no need to move in and out of your off-campus housing. However, keep in mind that you'll still need reliable internet and a trustworthy lease. Look for housing with suitable quiet spaces for classes and schoolwork.

With any luck, pandemic planning will soon be a thing of the past. But we're not quite there yet. You'll want to keep your friends close and be ready for any shutdowns.

If you need help with your off-campus living space, contact Wharton Rentals. We can help you find the perfect Ohio University apartment!

Written by:

Megan Cornish
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