Hire Scripted Freelance Writer Sutton Mason Today!

Sutton Mason is an experienced freelance writer in the industries.

Sutton M
Sutton Mason
New York, United States
Writer for over 10 years
Last online over a year ago
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Empty-star
An Adirondack native, I enjoyed a successful career in the insurance & finance industries before making the jump to pursue my lifelong love of writing. I spend my days writing on our country property located in New York's Capitol Region, inspired by a serene 15 acres. As a freelance writer / editor, I work on everything from articles for trade magazines to writing treatments for proposed television and film projects. As a frequent guest blogger, I've covered everything from outdoor family recreation to alternative dating sites. In my free time, I enjoy my many animals, gardening, tennis, reading & crafts. As a mom of two teenagers, there is never a dull moment but when the quiet life is called for, we enjoy our time at our lakeside camp in the Adirondacks (also an ideal location for much of my writing!)
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