Hire AI Empowered Content Writers Now!

Whether you are currently building a scalable content marketing strategy or aim to revamp past strategies, hiring freelance writers can help you reach your marketing goals.

Nick C
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Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring Writers

The time savings and reduced costs associated with hiring a freelance writer are definitely among the top benefits. A professional freelance writer will be able to take over any project you're working on, ultimately completing it in less time than an inexperienced writer and to a higher standard. Meanwhile, their expertise means they know exactly what to ask, streamlining communications and further reducing your time commitment.

The cost of a freelance writer can vary widely depending on their experience, niche specialties, and education. Most charge per word, with $0.10 to $0.15 being a fairly typical range. However, absolute beginner writers may start out charging just pennies per word while highly experienced writers who specialize in a certain industry or style (such as sales copy writers) can justify $1 per word or even more.

The whole idea behind outsourcing is to save yourself time, but it's well worth investing some of your time into the research and vetting process if you're hiring a freelance writer for the first time. Alternatively, you can save yourself that legwork by going through a content production company like Scripted that has already tested and pre-vetted writers for you. Still, you should always read proposals carefully, look at writers' profiles, and ask questions about relevant experience to determine who's the perfect fit.

Freelance writers can be found all over the web. Some have their own websites where you can work with them directly while most find clients through an open freelance service platform, such as Scripted. Others apply and get accepted into the closed platforms of content production companies where they may need an invitation or go through an interview process to qualify. Scripted is one example of a closed platform where writers must apply and be approved in order to gain access.

There are many traits to look for in a freelance writer, but perhaps the most important are research capabilities, responsiveness, communication skills, and an overall dedication to your niche and your project. Look for a writer that expresses interest, if not passion, in the topic at hand and ask questions to ascertain what exactly they think makes them the perfect fit. A great writer will be able to sell themselves and their skills based entirely on merit, without using ""discounts"" or other questionable tactics.

Find Your Perfect Freelance Writers

Search top freelance writers to write high-quality content for the freelance industry. As a Scripted member you will be able to reach out to them directly, negotiate price, and start short or long-term assignments with ease.

Kirk P.
Hire Kirk P
Kirk P. is a freelance writer who specializes in creative, click-worthy content for businesses in various verticals, including digital marketing, technology, retail, health care, and lifestyle and travel. Kirk's work has appeared on Travelocity, Ziff Davis, StubHub, and more. His talents include SEO-optimized copy, blog posts, website pages, press releases, product descriptions, email newsletters, and Tweets and Facebook posts.
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3081 reviews
Hire Kirk P
Mabh Savage
Hire Mabh S
Mabh is an experienced professional copywriter and copyeditor with clients all around the world. As well as being a published author and regular columnist for various magazines, she writes SEO-focused copy for websites, blogs, and e-zines across a variety of industries. Her primary focus is health and nutrition, with expertise in fitness, supplements, complementary therapies, and a range of medical conditions. She's also up to date with digital transformation, data management, and data analytics, helping a number of thriving companies in this area engage their customers and clients with eas...
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778 reviews
Hire Mabh S
Han Whiteoak
Hire Han W
Hannah is a professional content writer from the United Kingdom. Since 2011, she has been helping businesses market themselves online by producing high-quality, engaging, and informative content. With a Bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences and a Master's in Physics, Hannah specializes in writing about health, science and technology topics. Contact her for high quality content.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Empty-star
620 reviews
Hire Han W
Keely Brown
Hire Keely B
As a business writer, feature writer, music/theater critic, columnist and blogger, for more than two decades Keely Brown has been a regular contributor to nationally-known newspapers and websites. Keely is the recipient of a Colorado Press Association Award for feature writing, and a Best of Atlanta award for her daily radio show. Keely is also a career musician, and has toured throughout the US and Europe, performing for dignitaries such as the Queen of England. As a singer, she has been profiled on CNN, National Public Radio and BBC Radio/Television.
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304 reviews
Hire Keely B
Stasia Decker-Ahmed
Hire Stasia D
Stasia has a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. She spent 15 years working in the public school system before becoming a freelance writer, novelist, and blogger. Her middle grade novel "The Weirder the Better" was released in July 2011 by Black Heron Press. She has since self-published several eBooks and paperbacks. She has completed over a 1,000 articles in a wide range of subjects. Stasia has specific writing experience in the fields of education, health, fitness, technology, and law.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
338 reviews
Hire Stasia D
Hunter Amato
Hire Hunter A
As a technical copywriter in the fields of finance and technology, Hunter Amato has a deep understanding of software, hardware, and the marketplaces in which each can be found. He has covered complex processes related to information technology, operations management, retirement planning, fiduciary regulations, investment performance analytics, video scripts, and more. His practical and theoretical knowledge of computer-based systems is complemented by his years of experience working with IT, VoiP, and other forms of modern workplace technologies.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
359 reviews
Hire Hunter A
Carole Tobias
Hire Carole T
Living in resilient Paradise, California, I am a writer with more than 14 years experience creating SEO-minded content for blogs, retail websites, and various other online projects. My real passion is editing, though. I've completed thousands of edits for Scripted alone, perfecting the copy of the talented writers on this platform and delivering it without error. I'd put a bow on it before sending it off to you if I could!
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
24 reviews
Hire Carole T
Emily Clayton
Hire Emily C
Emily Clayton is a Sacramento, California-based freelance writer, editor, and storyteller. Her primary expertise and writing interests are in lifestyle, health/wellness, travel, home/garden, and art/design fields, yet her skills range across subjects and project types, including articles, blog posts, and product descriptions. With 11 years of writing experience to her name, Emily is a seasoned writer who love creating projects that delight and inspire. In her spare time, she heads out for birdwatching and nature spaces, used bookstores, and Victorian-era homes and buildings.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
220 reviews
Hire Emily C
Suzanne Erickson
Hire Suzanne E
Suzanne is a full-time freelance copywriter and editor based in London, UK. She has written for multiple high-profile companies in the fields of lifestyle, marketing, and mental health. Although she enjoys writing across a variety of topics, her fields of expertise include psychology and mental health, education, languages, and digital marketing.  When she's not writing, you can usually catch her taking a walk or planning her next adventure abroad.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Star
41 reviews
Hire Suzanne E
Leah McClellan
Hire Leah M

With twenty years as a professional writer and editor and a BA and MA in English, I'm well-equipped to take on almost any assignment, including AI-generated content editing. My specialties include health and wellness, personal development, education, and travel. I'm also experienced in business writing and have Hubspot certification in Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, and SEO. I aim to provide your business with clear, compelling writing that communicates the right message to your audience — and produces results. 

Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
40 reviews
Hire Leah M

The Importance of Hiring Freelance Writers for Your Website

Today’s consumers rely on websites to help them decide how they will spend their money. They look for authoritative, trustworthy sites that make them feel confident. If you don’t have a professional website that inspires confidence in potential buyers, you will lose sales.

Hiring a freelance writer helps ensure that your website will attract visitors to your site. Once people visit your website, the expert content will convert them into paying customers and clients.

Why Hire a Freelance Writer?

Experienced, professional freelance writers can craft messages specifically for your target audience. By hiring a freelance writer, you do more than improve the quality of your content. You also get effective website pages, blog posts, email newsletters, and social media content that reaches the right people with powerful messages.

The Benefits of Hiring a Freelance Writer

Some experts say that developers create about 400 new websites every minute! Do you have a plan that will make you more competitive than other organizations?

Hiring a professional freelance writer makes it easier for you to get higher search engine rankings. Today’s freelance writers understand the importance of search engine optimization (SEO). They have experience:

  • Choosing keywords for your titles, headlines, subtitles, meta descriptions, and content.

  • Using the right percentage of keywords to attract search engine bots.

  • Linking to supportive pages that will help boost your site’s trustworthiness and ranking.

You can also improve your business’s outreach, content campaigns, and conversions by hiring freelancers who know how to:

  • Create emails with captivating subject lines and convincing CTAs that get more people to respond.

  • Write video scripts with engaging dialogue that will keep viewers watching.

  • Produce podcast scripts that use interesting topics and descriptive dialogue to attract a wider audience.

  • Make social media posts that people will want to share with their friends, family members, and colleagues.

When you hire a freelance writer, you don’t get stuck with a single employee who knows how to do a couple of things well. You gain access to hundreds of writers who specialize in diverse topics and media formats. Choosing a freelance writer gives you a better chance of success because you can get better results from every piece of content you produce.

Finding a Freelance Writer on Scripted

Scripted makes it easy for you to find the perfect writer for your next project. The Scripted platform has hundreds of professional writers with years of experience. You can search for writers with the expertise you want, browse their profiles, read their sample content, and hire the right person for the job.

Scripted’s platform doesn’t even force you to generate your own ideas. You can invite writers to pitch ideas to you. Accept the ones that you like and reject the ones that don’t appeal to you.

Using Scripted will also help you save money. Hiring an in-house writer means spending money on benefits as well as a salary. You even pay the employee when you don’t have any projects for them. With Scripted writers, you pay a straightforward price for each piece of content that you need.

Start your 30-day free trial with Scripted to see how well the service can work for you. Using your free trial is the best way to discover the benefits of hiring freelancer writers for your website.

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Power your marketing with great writing.

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