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Lotte Reford is an experienced freelance writer in the industries.
Web Page Specialist

Hi there, [Introduce self naturally, as desired] Today we’re going to talk about how diet can help us improve and maintain our pelvic floor health. Now, this is just an overview - you will be able to dive much deeper int...

Vagus Nerve Exercises - Rewire Your Brain From Trauma The vagus nerve, or vagal nerves, are key to the parasympathetic nervous system. Your parasympathetic nervous system is what keeps things ticking along - it controls t...

The Science of Anxiety: Why it Happens, and How to Deal With it Everyone experiences anxiety to a certain extent. But when you are dealing with the symptoms of PFD, or other women’s health issues anxiety can become overwh...

Where to Find Collagen in Foods: What to eat for skin and connective tissue health Collagen is found in a variety of animal products, and certain foods boost the production of collagen within your body. Collagen may ...
You Can Have it All! Four Sustainable Travel Destinations That Just Ooze Luxury. We’re all hoping that travel will be a big part of 2021. If you make plans with Tread Lightly Travel, you can make sure that hope comes to ...
Five of the Best Areas to Stay in Glasgow The majority of visitors to Scotland’s most populous city stay in one of three areas, the bustling city centre, the perma-trendy west end staples of Byres Road and the University ...
The Next Wave of Branding: How to Ride it Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve probably noticed some Potato Head furore over the last few weeks. Hasbro dropped the ‘Mr’ from their famous Potato-inspired toys, which h...
A Researched Guide to Landing Page Layout There is no 100% tried and tested layout to a successful website - in fact, with the number of variables that need to be taken into account (including the speed of change online) it’...
From Eastenders to Ray Winstone, nothing is more London than cockney rhyming slang… well, apart from maybe a bit of roadman slang. Some theories on cockney rhyming slang’s origins include it being a game, a code, or a tricks...
Endura Trak - A Smartwatch That Won’t Break The Bank Endura Trak smartwatches are less than one third the price of their leading competitor. How is that possible? Hard work and determination, of course. Two of the founding pri...
Why AirBnB or B&B owners should invest in smart security solutions If you own a B&B, holiday home or AirBnB you probably find yourself feeling like you should be in several places at once pretty regularly! Whether ...
7 Ways We Talk Ourselves Out Of Investing Most people are aware that investing in property is a great way to grow your money and diversify your financial assets. But buying an investment property is a huge decision, espec...
Wondering where to eat in Covent Garden? This roundup has you covered, whatever your taste and budget.
Yes Hello, I’m English. And not just English; I’m from the bit where the decisions happen, where the money is, where the streets are paved with gold, I’m from The Greater London Area. A 2014 article exploring Britishness, b...