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Jennie Young is an experienced freelance writer in the industries.

Jennie Y
Jennie Young
Writer for over 3 years
Last online over 3 years ago
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I'm a professor, researcher, creative writer, and humorist based in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I have a Ph. D. in English and direct the Writing Foundations program at UW Green Bay. I write content in the areas of education, humor, satire, and dating/relationships.
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Want to Meet Decent Men Online? Write a Bitchy Profile

Sign in Want To Meet Decent Men Online? Write a Bitchy Profile Jennie Young 4 days ago·5 min read I’m a single woman. I also have a Ph. D. in rhetoric, so I understand how words work. I decided to put those things together in o...

Area Man Refuses to Get Liver Transplant Without Some Sort of Incentive (satire)

Area Man Refuses To Get Liver Transplant Without Some Sort Of Incentive After his doctor informed him that a matching donor was found for his liver transplant, recent reports show area man Lawrence Jenkins only had one question...

CDC Releases New Safe Sex Guidelines for Sterilized and Unsterilized People (satire)

CDC Releases New Safe Sex Guidelines for Sterilized and Unsterilized People Fully sterilized people can have sex with each other outdoors without wearing a condom. Unless there are a lot of other people around (“a lot” being un...

How Freshman Comp Courses Have Weaponized Academic Citation

The Weaponization of Academic Citation Freshman composition programs have done that, and we need to stop it right now, argues Jennie Young. Here’s the scenario: you are an adjunct faculty member, which is the case for the major...

Post Election Lecture from Your Completely Politically Neutral Professor (academic satire)

Post-Election Lecture fromYour Completely Politically Neutral Professor Good morning, Students, Up to this point, you’ve had no idea which candidate I — a single, urban, feminist, anti-racist, female-identifying, liberal academ...

Of All Your Teaching Skills, Passion is the Most Important (academic satire)

Help support our writers and keep our site ad-free. Become a McSweeney’s Internet Tendency patron today. Of All Your Teaching Skills, Passion Is the Most Important Dear Prospective Teacher, Are you passionate? I mean, REALLY pa...

The New Ten-Factor Authentication Processes for University Faculty (academic satire)

Help support our writers and keep our site ad-free. Become a McSweeney’s Internet Tendency patron today. The New Ten-Factor Authentication Processes for University Faculty Dear Faculty, Beginning next semester, we will be movin...

The Case for Limiting School Security

The Case for Limiting School Security “We have to harden our schools, not soften them up,” President Donald Trump said at a White House event days after the Feb. 14 school shooting in Parkland, Fla. There is no evidence to supp...

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