Hire Scripted Freelance Writer Garrett Dennert Today!

Garrett Dennert is an experienced freelance writer in the Environment industries.

Garrett D
Garrett Dennert
Seattle, Washington, United States
Writer for about 9 years
Last online over a year ago
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Analytical. Creative. Always up for a challenge. Garrett Dennert has produced over 300 blog posts spanning a wide range of topics, some examples of which include the global water crisis, the ecological and economical benefits of cremation, the methods of treating Combat PTSD in returning veterans, and how a wandering mind affects the creative process. More info: Garrett Dennert was raised in West Michigan and in 2012 attained his B.A. in Creative Writing from Grand Valley State University. He has since gained over five years of digital marketing experience, helping all types of clients reach their full potential. From 2012 through 2014, Garrett served as the Nonfiction Editor of Squalorly. He has been fortunate enough to place literary work at Barely South Review, Midwestern Gothic, Monkeybicycle, and Whiskeypaper. Garrett founded Orson's Publishing in 2016. That same year, he published his first novel, Wounded Tongue.
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