Hire Scripted Freelance Writer Curtis Fease Today!

Curtis Fease is an experienced freelance writer in the Cannabis, Construction, Cryptocurrency & Web3, Marketing & Advertising industries.

Curtis F
Curtis Fease
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Writer for over 12 years
Last online about 7 hours ago
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After writing as a hobby during high school, Curtis transitioned to journalism and professional copywriting. He earned a degree in psychology and another in criminal justice from Augusta University in 2010. He went on to gain an MPA degree and graduate certificate in disaster management. These degrees were research-intensive, and he participated in several out-of-state conferences where he presented original research. This experience helped to craft impeccable investigative and analytical skills. Since that point, he's written everything from legal articles to eBay purchasing guides.
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Starting a Construction Business

The bursting of the "housing bubble" a few years back took quite a toll on the construction industry, but with the economy slowly recovering and the housing market back on the rebound, experienced contractors can now focus on t...

Cryptocurrency and Your Business

Everything you need to know to make crypto part of your brandAs a business leader or budding entrepreneur, reinventing the wheel may seem terrifying. You have a certain idea of how things should be done, and throwing in new inn...

The Future of Cannabis

The Future of CannabisEven as the federal government maintains a strict view on cannabis, many states have recognized the wide variety of uses for the herb. From natural medicine to industrial uses, cannabis is quickly gaining ...

Brand Activism and the Fine Art of Standing Up For Something

More and more consumers are demanding that the brands they associate with take important public stances. This has changed the way marketing must be done, but it doesn't have to derail your strategy.

How Your Church Can Survive Economically During the Coronavirus

The Bible tells us to watch over and remain sheperds of the flock that God has entrusted to us - not because we must, but because we are willing. In our current situation, this means ensuring the church survives while safeguard...

How Anesthesia Can Increase Breast Cancer Survival Rate

Danish researchers looking into the potential of reducing the recurrence of breast cancer announced at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists that they may have come across a breakthrough in anesthesia ...

The Dangers of Explosions on the Worksite

Workplace explosions can leave workers permanently injured or families without loved ones. This is why it’s so important to understand the related dangers and whether an explosion accident lawyer may be able to help.

Everything You Need to Know About Church Online Giving

Child Bicycle Safety

Church Tithing: Who, What, Where, When and Why

When it comes to keeping a house of worship running, few things are as important as church tithing. You could have some of the most devoted followers in the world, but if your congregation’s financial situation isn’t solid, you...

Geo map your drone video (Writer can refer one also)

One of the biggest issues facing the advancement of geospatial technology in drone videos is the idea that combining captured footage with geographic information system (GIS) data is simply too difficult. While this belief may ...

10 Best Church Apps for Your Ministry

The ministry has had to evolve alongside technology, and nowhere is this more apparent than the multitude of church apps available for smart devices. Pastors and other leaders can use these apps to plan services, schedule event...

How Do Car Accidents and Truck Accident Differ

20 Quick Tips to Grow Your Church Email List

What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident

If you’ve ever been involved in a hit and run accident, you understand how stressful it can be. The initial shock is amplified knowing that someone fled, unconcerned about the damage they caused.

5 Common Questions about Cerebral Palsy and Birth Injury

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a common birth injury that can result in lifelong difficulties. If your child or another loved one is experiencing symptoms of cerebral palsy, you likely have an abundance of questions and very few answer...

Do I Need an Attorney If I was Injured as a Spectator?

Why Join a Franchise with a Nationally Trusted Brand?

Low Cost Franchise: WIN Home Inspection

Why You Should Buy an Existing Franchise from Retiring Owners

Of the many options available to those interested in owning a business, buying an existing franchise is often overlooked. As you get on the path of becoming your own boss, consider speaking with a franchisee looking to retire f...

Damnatio Memoriae: The Serial Killers History is Trying to Forget

Before serial killers were thrust into pop culture and idolized on social media, many instances of serial murder were simply forgotten. Even stranger, some murderers faced a punishment known as damnatio memoriae -- "damnation o...

5 Ways to Eat Healthy on Road Trips

Sitting behind the wheel for 12 straight hours takes away all the stress in my heart as I enjoy the beautiful sights this country has to offer. The one downfall of these adventures, however, is trying to eat right. Being on the...

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