Hire AI-Driven Health & Wellness Writers Now!

Rebecca R
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Michael N
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1105 reviews
Cathy L
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674 reviews

Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring Writers

The cost to hire a health and wellness writer will depend on what it is you seek. For example, a well-researched, in-depth white paper will cost more than a handful of social media posts. Health and wellness writers will charge either an hourly or fixed cost, which is typically dependent on a per-word rate. Of course, the scope of work will also determine the cost. Since a lot of health and wellness writers have a background in health and/or medicine, their rate will reflect their level of expertise and education — which translates into quality, authoritative content. On average, expect to pay around $0.08 to $0.10/word for a quality writer, which is $80 to $100 for a 1000-word article. For more specialized topics, writers may charge anywhere from $100 to $200+ for a 1000-word article.

When hiring a health and wellness writer, it's best to seek professional freelance writers who are available when you need them. To begin, partner with a content marketing agency. These agencies offer access to a more selective talent pool, allowing you to hire with ease. For example, with Scripted, all you need to do is create a health and wellness job posting. Experienced health and wellness writers will then pitch ideas and then you accept the proposal that best suits your needs. It's as simple as that.

A health and wellness writer should have experience within the industry itself. Whether a writer showcases general knowledge or specializes in a more specific niche, their experience will be reflected in both their background and writing samples. Not only should a health and wellness writer showcase direct knowledge of industry-related topics, but they should also be familiar with SEO and other key marketing strategies.

Whether you own and operate a health and wellness blog, run a clinic, or are a nutritionist, you likely have the expertise necessary to develop great content. However, you likely lack that time and/or the required writing skills. That is why you should seek a platform that offers an all-in-one, seamless process. There are platforms, such as Scripted, which allow you to hire and create content without ever needing to leave the platform itself. The goal here is to boost productivity and efficiency, saving you both time and money. Expect to pay an average of $0.10/word for an intermediate human resources writer, with rates reaching $0.25+/word for those who are considered to be experts in their field.

A health and wellness writer will offer the skills needed to take your content to new heights. When you hire an experienced health and wellness writer, you will benefit in the following ways:

  • You will gain access to professional, optimized content that converts
  • You will publish the type of content that positions you as a leader and authoritative voice
  • You will improve your ranking, helping you gain continuous traction.

Find Your Perfect Health & Wellness Writers

Search top health & wellness writers to write high-quality content for the health & wellness industry. As a Scripted member you will be able to reach out to them directly, negotiate price, and start short or long-term assignments with ease.

Alexandra Bower
Hire Alexandra B

 I have experience writing blogs, articles, and press releases for several industries, including, but not limited to, health and wellness, beauty, law, and politics.

Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
816 reviews
Hire Alexandra B
Adam Berguem
Hire Adam B
Adam B. is a marketer by day and a writer by night. By trade, he is a growth marketer. He's an Adam of most trades, master of few who specializes in content/SEO. Specifically, content that is engaging to the reader, SEO optimized, and that ultimately leads to results. Adam B. is a seasoned writer who has experience writing B2B & B2B content in Tech, SaaS, Marketing, Careers, Mental Health, and More. He has a proven ability to help businesses grow their online presence through blogs, email, social media, and more.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
8 reviews
Hire Adam B
Mabh Savage
Hire Mabh S
Mabh is an experienced professional copywriter and copyeditor with clients all around the world. As well as being a published author and regular columnist for various magazines, she writes SEO-focused copy for websites, blogs, and e-zines across a variety of industries. Her primary focus is health and nutrition, with expertise in fitness, supplements, complementary therapies, and a range of medical conditions. She's also up to date with digital transformation, data management, and data analytics, helping a number of thriving companies in this area engage their customers and clients with eas...
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
796 reviews
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Matthew Thompson
Hire Matthew T
With more than two decades of writing and optimization experience, I know how to keep readers engaged, mimic brand voices, and get first-page rankings on search engine results. I have written for companies in diverse industries, including emerging technologies, wellness, consumer apps, enterprise software, UI/UX, outsourcing, and education.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
2778 reviews
Hire Matthew T
Emily Clayton
Hire Emily C
Emily Clayton is a Sacramento, California-based freelance writer, editor, and storyteller. Her primary expertise and writing interests are in lifestyle, health/wellness, travel, home/garden, and art/design fields, yet her skills range across subjects and project types, including articles, blog posts, and product descriptions. With 11 years of writing experience to her name, Emily is a seasoned writer who love creating projects that delight and inspire. In her spare time, she heads out for birdwatching and nature spaces, used bookstores, and Victorian-era homes and buildings.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
220 reviews
Hire Emily C
Leah McClellan
Hire Leah M

With twenty years as a professional writer and editor and a BA and MA in English, I'm well-equipped to take on almost any assignment, including AI-generated content editing. My specialties include health and wellness, personal development, education, and travel. I'm also experienced in business writing and have Hubspot certification in Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, and SEO. I aim to provide your business with clear, compelling writing that communicates the right message to your audience — and produces results. 

Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
43 reviews
Hire Leah M
Suzanne Erickson
Hire Suzanne E
Suzanne is a full-time freelance copywriter and editor based in London, UK. She has written for multiple high-profile companies in the fields of lifestyle, marketing, and mental health. Although she enjoys writing across a variety of topics, her fields of expertise include psychology and mental health, education, languages, and digital marketing.  When she's not writing, you can usually catch her taking a walk or planning her next adventure abroad.
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
44 reviews
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Carla McKinney
Hire Carla M
Carla Jean McKinney is a freelance writer and digital artist who writes long articles and whitepapers on artificial intelligence and robotics, SaaS for biopharma and medicine, and digital innovation in healthcare and the life sciences. A longtime college writing instructor with a background in journalism and degrees in literature and linguistics, she helps brands and businesses build authority as thought leaders in scientific and technical fields. Carla has certificates in digital design and illustration, and she also produces ebooks and other visual content. She lives and works in the bo...
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
271 reviews
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Krista Hillis
Hire Krista H
Krista graduated from the University of Guelph where she studied psychology and neuroscience. Still active in her research, she now focuses on all aspects of health — both mental and physical. Based on her strong research skills, she is confident in a wide range of topics. Her specialties are health, neuroscience, and business. She is currently designing and building her own off-grid home. 
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
1825 reviews
Hire Krista H

Why Hire a Sustainability & Green Living Freelance Writer?

The climate crisis is real. The effects of it are now hard to deny. This has convinced more people to live in a way that is environmentally responsible. However, green living remains a niche industry. It involves not only buying an electric car or having solar panels installed on house roofs. People who commit to green living monitor their every action---from what they eat to the types of bedsheets they purchase---to ensure that it neither produces nor was produced by carbon emissions. Most people only strive to meet this goal, but the more dedicated adhere to it absolutely.

If you run a service or offer products for green living, then you can have a choice to make about your target audience. You can take either a big tent approach, in which you appeal to both moderates or zealots or you can appeal exclusively to one camp. Whatever you decide, you should know that you will have intense competition and that your audience will only stick with you for as long as you give them what they want.

To reach out to the right people and make customers of them, you should hire freelance writer who specializes in this field.

Benefits of Hiring Sustainability & Green Living Freelance Writers

A professional writer can help you by:

1. Providing valid information

Anyone who commits themselves to this kind of lifestyle is probably conscientious and well-informed. On your website, blog, and social media accounts, you must provide solid facts that come from credible sources of information. A professional writer will know how to find trustworthy sources and glean the right bits of information from them to make the claims and arguments you desire. They will also be simple and direct in their writing. Contrary to popular myth, the people who are into green and sustainable living despise pretention.

2. Providing the most updated information

Your blog and social media posts should read as though you are clued in to new findings and trends. They should include a selection of websites to read every day. Your social media account should follow experts and influencers, and it should contain re-tweets from them. A green living writer can help you with this. They can do the leg work of updating your online platforms so that you look as though you are in the know.

3. Sharing tips

Sustainable living is about making the right choices and developing habits that are healthier and better for the planet. What you have to remember is that you are preaching both to the converted and those who want to believe but find it hard to. That is why you must share useful tips on how to enter this lifestyle. You must do so in a way that is sympathetic, measured, and non-judgmental. A writer can help you achieve this goal, get more people to follow your blog and social media platforms, and subscribe to your service or buy your products.

4. Spreading enthusiasm

The more excited, committed, and enthusiastic you are about the way that you live the more likely others are to feel the same way about making similar choices. Sustainable living is not about being morally superior and looking down on others. It is about feeling fulfilled and in charge of your life. To make people feel this way about it, you will need to keep the tone of your posts positive. You should also use your blog to show the benefits of sustainable living and to share stories of people who have recently made such changes.

Writers are good at humanizing bare facts. If you hire content writer in this field, they will be able to take your own experience and the experience of others and turn into something that is thrilling and desirable.

5. Keeping it real

The kind of writing that people encounter on your site will influence their attitude toward not only what you are selling but sustainable living as a whole. The people who read your blog should not have to struggle too hard to understand your content. They should be able to read through it quickly and get the main points you are trying to make.

A writer can create the kind of blog that uses simple words and sentences, avoids passive voice, divides content into short paragraphs, and uses lots of lists and bullet points.

Finding a Freelance Sustainability & Green Living Writer on Scripted

You can hire a green and sustainable living writer from Scripted today by clicking here.

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