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4 Reasons You Didn't Get That Freelance Writing Job (and How to Avoid It In the Future)
Are you disheartened because you can't seem to land a freelance writing job? There is often a lot of competition for freelance writing jobs. Taking the time to check your proposal, and looking at what you may have done wrong may allow you to land that writing job in the future. Let's take a a look at the four most common reasons why employers reject freelance writing proposals.
Reason #1 - Your Proposal Isn't Specific Enough
One approach that doesn't work is submitting the same copy and paste proposal to every single writing project you come across. Most employers will ask themselves some variation of: "is this writer a good fit for my project?" If your bid doesn't contain specifics related to the project's description or details, you are not giving your potential employer enough information to make a decision based on your bid. List all of your previous experience related to the project, even if it is not super-specialized. The most successful freelance writers have a strong web presence, and are not afraid to direct clients to it.
Reason #2 - Your Proposal Seems Insincere
Sincerity is a tricky subject, especially when it comes to online interactions. There are some aspects that make a proposal seem insincere apart from the lack of specificity mentioned above. Avoid "sucking up" and obvious praise in your proposal. Since you are applying for a job, make sure to keep your bid professional. Also avoid over-used generic qualifiers to describe yourself, such as "high quality or experienced." Instead, list why you are experienced in a way that is relevant to your client or specific details that make your writing "high-quality."
Reason #3 - The Actual Writing In the Proposal Is Just Not Good Enough
This should be obvious to most content writers, but it is still a common mistake: make sure that your bid has proper grammar, spelling, and formatting. If you are applying for a writing job, the actual writing in your proposal will be one way for the client to evaluate your writing skills. It is unbelievable how many writers submit proposals that are closer to text messages than actual, professional job applications.
Reason #4 - Your Proposal Needs to Be More Personal
Remember, you are selling yourself, not only your work. People don't hire proposals, they hire people. Because of that, you will eventually want to form a personal relationship with employers. Adding some personal details to your proposal can make you stand out from the competition. Make your proposal engaging, enthusiastic, and don't be afraid to include details about what kind of work you love to do, or the kinds of things that motivate you.
Getting work as a freelance writer can be difficult. It's important to learn from your rejected projects to avoid repeating your mistakes in subsequent bids. Hopefully, these four simple tips can help you craft a more effective bid for your next freelance writing job. Good luck, and happy writing!