Hire Scripted Freelance Writer Kellye Neuweiler Today!

Kellye Neuweiler is an experienced freelance writer in the industries.

Kellye N
Kellye Neuweiler
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Writer for almost 11 years
Last online about 3 years ago
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
285 reviews
Kellye Neuweiler is a professional writer and editor with a journalism degree and 20 years of diverse journalistic experience (magazines, newspapers, advertising copy, press releases, business proposals, blog posts, web copy...) After sampling life in various U.S. cities, she eventually landed in Fort Worth, Texas (aka The Fort.) In her spare time she enjoys running, tennis, cooking, eating, drinking wine, gardening, watching her kids tear it up on the soccer field, and renovating her 1920s home. She thanks Scripted for funding much of her recent kitchen remodel and a new exterior paint job. Next up: master-bathroom overhaul!
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